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Old 02-16-2022, 02:47 PM
Kitsune9tails Kitsune9tails is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Location: USA, Earth, Milky Way
Posts: 36

1) If a priest is the literal vessel for the wishes of Christ and God, then this seems to fly in the face of Godly power as hundreds murderers, rapist, child rapists, thieves, and more. If priests are the vessels that can convey God's wishes, it seems to me that God either endorses these actions, or doesn't care if someone else lies about speaking in their behalf. In any case, it does mean that being "ordained" lacks any real value, as one cannot know which priests God approves of or disapproves of, unless one also takes the stance that all the previously mentioned miscreants are also approved by God.

This is true: I have been serviced by numerous licensed professionals in various walks of life over the past 60 years that were incompetent, unqualified, or simply having a bad day despite certification. A certificate is merely a piece of paper that increases the odds that you got somebody good.

2) Why would God care more about whether or not a specific word was unintentionally misspoken, rather than the intent of the ceremony?

He doesn't.

3) Is God vain? Is he bored? Is he simply cruel? If not, what are the motives that a Good, just and fair God would have for ignoring the baptism of thousands of true believers, including many who died without being baptized properly, and thus are now going straight to Hell?

He wouldn't, if his goodness and fairness maps to our own.

4) If God is all powerful and innocents are being harmed through no fault of their own (nor, honestly, of the priest in question from what I can see), then what kind of God allows thousands to die and burn in Hell for eternity rather than correct this issue or bring attention to it right away?

He doesn't.
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