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Old 11-24-2019, 07:41 PM
Publius Publius is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 49

Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
The following is an opinion.
Your post is a pretty high standard to follow. I certainly hope that's not the expectation for all of us.

I think your points are sound and I at least see how you got there. I think you have a good message, even if comic book analogies maybe aren't the best way to convey a point to those that don't know who those characters are.

I don't want to try to rejoinder every grammatically robust sentence you wrote, nor could I if I wanted to.

It seemed like you had two main points:

1) Democrats need a better candidate; a person who is tough, strong, without controversy, and universally loved.

2) Donald Trump has true believers in his camp, and it's better to be nice to them than pick on them for their behavior.

If that's not correct let me know.

I have been doing some research, conversing with avowed Trump voters. I have been making an honest attempt to understand what kind of hero they see in him.
What kind of research are you doing to get these answers?

Hollywood and the NFL has taught us that you just back your team, no matter what, and somehow that causes them to win.
I agree that this is a major problem. Too many people are entrenched in an "us versus them" mentality and not enough are interested in actually making our society better. Large groups within our society are not interested in what's right or wrong, or even what will result in harm to ourselves in the long run.

I have spoken with many people who say that a Civil War is coming after the next election.
This has been a phrase invoked for every event, president, shooting, or behavior that I can think of since I was old enough to recall such things. It is said often, and by a lot of people, for almost every event. It carries no weight any more for me to hear those words.

Some seem to think that if Trump loses, the Right will rise up to keep him in office. Others seem to believe that if Trump wins, the Left will rise up to unseat him.
I always wonder about those that think those types of things about other US citizens. Not just in regards to "they'd start a civil war" but in terms of "because they want free stuff, because they hate Jesus, because they hate freedom" typed statements.

You know, the lies and insults used to attack people who can't be defeated through and honest evaluation of the merits of a case.

...they [Trump supporters] are going to stick with [him] until the end, or until the evidence is so massive they cannot deny it.
I would say they'll stick with him beyond obvious and abundant evidence. I know two people today who are very close to me that swear up and down that "maybe Nixon did something a little bit shady, but nothing worse than any other President, and they really were just out to get him."

They're the same people that say Bill Clinton should be in jail for treason over Monica Lewinsky, and that Obama was born in Kenya.

For many, even a preponderance is not enough. They'll believe for the sake of believing.

Until the magnitude of the crime is revealed to be something they cannot excuse ‘just this once’.
Exactly what what crime would that have to be? Many people won't even acknowledge that Obama didn't sell uranium to Iran. Trump once said, "I could shoot someone in the head on Fifth Avenue, and they'd still vote for me." Something to that effect anyway. He was right.

What the Democrats need is... someone who is unequivocally a good guy.
Jimmy Carter didn't do very well. John Adams didn't either.

But if you are giving them attitude for being Deplorables, or dismissing them as uneducated or even retarded, all you are going to do is put them more solidly behind Trump.
A lot of people would say they'll just continue to rally to Trump either way. A lot of people feel Republicans aren't doing what's right even when it's based on arguments supported by reason, evidence, morality, ethics, or even consequence. How would you answer someone that felt that way that wanted to know why you expected talking nicely to a "true believer" to do the trick when everything else had failed?

In summary:

A) Good guys don't do well as President.

B) What approach does work for getting an irrational, unreasonable person with nothing to lose and everything to gain to suddenly change tact?
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